Nowość w ofercie jako kawa miesiąca wrzesień! Przez cały miesiąc  Kawa Colombia Grano de Oro Heliconia oraz Herbata Egzotyczny Spacer 20% taniej! 

Świeżo Palona

For green coffee importers / distributors / suppliers

Dear coffee friends,

If you would like to send us the coffee samples please read the information below. You will know how we cooperate and how we choose our coffee:

  • All beans should be packed into bags like GrainPro or vacuum (at least).
  • Mostly we accept just the current crops. Sometimes when the beans from past crops have high notes we could consider ordering these.
  • The beans should have the cupping notes (82+) created by a certified Q-grader. 
  • The one coffee sample should be at least 100g.
  • Coffee bags must meet the sanitary requirements of the European Union and Poland.

Our lab and roastery:

  • We are using Roest to roast the samples.
  • We are using Coffed 15 to roast our coffee.
  • When you send us your coffee you will get feedback from our professional cupping session.
  • Please note it may happen that we do not order your coffee.

We are asking suppliers from NON-EU countries to prepare an invoice with all items inside the package and including shipping costs.

Our invoice and shipping address:

Świeżo Palona S.C.
ul. Glinianki 8
60-008 Poznań, Poland
phone: +48612504100
e-mail: [email protected]
VAT-UE: PL7811870069
EORI: PL781187006900000